MJH Volleyball sweeps the Kiowa County Monday night Triangular beating Ingalls and Kiowa Co. in two! Go Buffs!

SCHEDULE UPDATE: The MHS JV Football vs. Ingalls scheduled for Monday, September 13th has been canceled.
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSFootball

MHS V. Volleyball @ Jetmore 09.11.21
Tournament Champions! Our girls went 4-0 in Hodgeman Co. Invitational!
Results in pool were:
vs. Ingalls (25-4, 25-9)
vs. South Central (25-15, 25-22)
Bracket results were:
Semi-finals vs Hodgeman County (25-8, 25-18)
Championship vs South Central (25-21, 25-11)
Way to work, ladies!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSVolleyball

MHS JV Volleyball @ Hugoton 09.11.21
FIRST PLACE! Congratulations Lady Buffs! Our girls won every match in just two games. Way to go!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSVolleyball

MHS Football vs. Ingalls 09.10.21
Meade 52 - Ingalls 0
Nice win, MHS!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSFootball

B-Team Lady Buffs advance to the Championship bracket at the Lakin Tournament

MJH A Team Volleyball @ Greensburg/Kiowa County - 09.13.2021
Good luck, Lady Buffs!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MJHVolleyball


MJH Volleyball & Football Results for Thursday, September 9th vs. South Central.
A girls lost in two games.
B girls won their match two games to one.
C girls won both matches in two games each.
Good work, Lady Buffs!
MJH 18 - South Central 48
Keep working hard, Buffaloes!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MJHBuffaloes


❤️🤍💙 🇺🇸

Kayettes will be serving walking tacos tonight in the concession stand. Grilled 1/4 pound hotdogs are also on the menu! AND PIE ! See you there! Go Buffs

Schedule of Play for MHS Volleyball @ Ashland 09.14.21
Good luck, Lady Buffaloes!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSBuffaloes

MHS JV Volleyball @ Hugoton. 09.11.2021
Games begin at 9:00am.
Good luck, Lady Buffs!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSVolleyball

MJH Volleyball @ Lakin - 09.11.21
Play begins at 9:00am at the Lakin Middle School Gym.
Good luck, MJH Volleyball!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MJHVolleyball

Schedule of Play for MHS Volleyball @ Jetmore 09.11.21
Good luck, MHS Volleyball!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSVolleyball

MHS Football @ Meade! Come out Friday night to cheer on our Buffaloes as they take on the Ingalls Bulldogs. The game begins at 7:00pm at MHS. Let's go, Buffaloes! #WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSFootball

Results for MHS Volleyball @ Meade 09.07.21
Varsity 3-0 for the night
2-0 vs. Rolla (6, 14)
2-0 vs. Ashland (16, 8)
2-0 vs. Hodgeman Co.
JV 0-1
1-3 vs Hodgeman Co. (best of 5 match)
Good work, Lady Buffs!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSVolleyball

MHS Tennis @ Cimarron 09.07.21
Team: 2nd place
Kaya (1S) 2nd place
Karsen (2S) 1st place
Lily & Holly (1D) 1st place
Way to work, Lady Buffs!
#WeR226 #MeadeBuffaloes #MHSTennis

TOMORROW is PICTURE DAY! Packets have been sent home with our students, however you can still order online. Please visit https://www.strawbridge.net/. Our picture day code is: FM365947.